When your phone number is tied up with telemarketing — or worse, scam — phone calls, you’re missing out on potential business revenue or important personal calls. EasyRinger’s VoIP blocklist feature puts you in control by letting you easily block or allow calls by creating personalized lists. It's also easy to change your call block list if your needs change.
Never be in the position of inadvertently blocking that critical number that you always needed. You can simply use the allow list to include trusted numbers and caller IDs, which will go through at any moment. Such a feature (available, for example, in our UK Virtual Phone Numbers) helps, especially when companies receive regular calls from contacts they already know. The process assures smooth, predictable communication.
Your call block list can include international numbers in addition to domestic ones. If you’re getting pesky calls from overseas, just add them to your number blocker. It can be extremely difficult to track or report fraudulent international callers, so blocking them is the best way to eliminate them.
EasyRinger’s user-friendly interface makes blacklisting a phone number simple. Just create and activate your account to get started. A simple click of a button lets you block a number. As soon as you add a number to the blacklist, any future calls originating from it will be blocked.
Use the allow list to include trusted numbers from family, friends, or important clients. When using the allow list, only the allowed numbers can call you, while all others will be blocked, ensuring that you only receive calls from those you trust.
Because blacklist management is part of your service, it easily integrates with our other features. Blocked numbers can’t leave voicemail messages and won’t show up on your caller ID. However, calling a blocked number is simple if you need to do so.
Unwanted calls are a nuisance for your business. If a potential client calls and can’t get through because you’re dealing with a spammy telemarketer, you can lose out on money-making opportunities. When you blacklist numbers you don’t want to get through, you avoid wasting time and money dealing with them.
The blocklist features lets you prioritize the calls that matter. Spend your time on important work calls and building relationships with your customers. With a blocklist, you can rest assured you’re prioritizing calls that are professionally or personally important.
You may have heard the terms “whitelist” or “blacklist” in computer programming terminology. However, you don’t need any specialized skills to use these features with EasyRinger. Our simple and intuitive interface will lead you through the process with just a few clicks.
Plus, you aren't limited to blocking a single number at a time. You can also block large groups of numbers. For example, if you only take calls from local clients in your state, you can block all area codes outside of your local area.
A blocklist adds an additional layer of security for your business. It can help prevent spam, robocalls, and potentially malicious phone calls. Given that many scammers first gain access through phone calls, blocking these calls can protect your business from potential fraud and social engineering cybersecurity attacks.
In addition to the VoIP blocklist feature, EasyRinger offers many other convenient features for managing your phone number.
Create personalized messages to greet your customers using our voicemail services. Instead of a robotic automated greeting, you can reinforce your branding by recording a welcome that reflects your brand values.
Our advanced call-forwarding options let you choose to have all of your calls forwarded to one device, push them to an email client, or send them to a second device. You can choose the method that works for your needs and provides the best customer experience for your clients.
See who’s calling before you pick up the phone using our caller ID feature. This can be used in conjunction with the block list. If you answer the phone and realize it’s a spammer, you’ll have their number on hand to add to your blocked numbers.
With interactive voice menus, you can give your customers a choice of which department they want to reach. They can receive tailored attention from the moment their call is answered. You can also set up interactive voice menus to automatically deliver important information to your customers, such as your hours or business updates.
A blocklist — also called a blacklist — is a list of numbers that can't make calls to your number. As soon as you add them to your blocklist, all incoming calls from that number are blocked. You won’t be notified they called, and they won’t be able to leave a voicemail.
You can blacklist a number by adding it to your blocklist. Log into your EasyRinger account on the internet and blacklist a number from the website. Simply click on the gear icon on your number card. This will take you to the number setup page. From here, you can access the “Number Blocking” tab to easily block numbers.
You can quickly remove a number from the blocklist if you change your mind or need to make a blacklist call. Once you take it off the blocklist, calls will be allowed from the number. If you only want to temporarily allow a number, just add it back to the blocklist when you’re finished.
Yes, you can blacklist a virtual number using the same process you would for any other number.
You can manage your blocklist from your dashboard through our website.
Go to the EasyRinger website. From here, choose the country where you want a local number, refine your location, choose a number, and enter your email.